Find out what we mean when we say nothing is greener than our white Conklin Roofing Systems.
1. Stop Leaks
Conklin’s 100% acrylic and VOC compliant coatings prevent leaks where they occur most – at the seams. Your entire roof is protected by a durable, waterproof finish.
2. Conserve Energy
Save money on air conditioning. The energy saving, Acrylic – Coating System keeps your building cooler whether it’s air conditioned or not by reflecting up to 85% of the sun’s UV rays.
3. Save Money
It costs less to repair your roof than to replace it. Because you don’t tear off your old roof, there aren’t waste disposal costs and your building’s contents are never exposed to the elements.
4. Long Term Protection Satisfaction Guaranteed
We’re so confident our Conklin Roofing System will weatherproof your roof that we have a variety of optional warranties for up to a 20-year period, which are also renewable and extendable.
5. See For Yourself
Conklin has solutions for your roof, whatever type it may be. With a 30-year track record covering over 2 billion square feet, we’ve got you covered.
You can contact us today for a free estimate.